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Save the bees!


Hello dear friends. My name is Maxim. I've been beekeeping since I was fourteen years old.

I will tell you how each of you can help save the population of wild and honeybees. Both with your own hands and with the help of the cryptoindustry, in particular NFT tokens.

But first I tell you why is very important and why humanity needs bees.




No other insects can compare pollination efficiency with bees, and if there are fewer and fewer of them, the existence of plants and trees in need of pollination will be endangered. And that proportion is over eighty percent.



Which means that over time, these species could disappear. First we will lose honey, then we will have shortages of most vegetables, fruits, berries, some grains and nuts. The consequences could be catastrophic for all mankind. Also honey and other bee products are very valuable to the human body.


We all know that the population of bees is decreasing every year. There are fewer and fewer bees on our planet, and in recent decades they are disappearing with alarming speed. Some of the reasons for the extinction of bees are: intensive farming with pesticides, herbicides, which can cause fatal damage to the bee, they are also used to remove weeds from the fields, and these weeds are most often the food base for bees.


Also one of the main enemies of bees is the varroa mite, which has spread around the world and against which bees are often powerless. It sucks the blood of bees and infects them with the disease varroatosis, which leads to the weakening and eventual death of the honeybee. The mite is then taken into the hive, into the honeycomb cells (before they are sealed) and reproduces there during larval development. We ourselves had over 20 percent of our bee families die from the mite this winter.

So how can you help save the population of these insects we need?

Find out online what kinds of flowers are suitable for your region and plant them, near the house, in pots on the windows, insist on growing them in parks, boulevards, public places, lawns. We need a variety of flowers, blooming throughout the season, from spring to fall. We need flowering roadsides, for bees, birds, butterflies, and other fauna. And we need to think seriously about the return of the cover plantations that feed the soil and the bees, and we need to diversify the crops grown on our farms to correct the deficient food system of bees, because this is one of the main reasons for their extinction, the lack of food for them.


So, dear friends, I decided to create some NFT pictures, or rather 2 nft collections. The action is charity, anyone can buy a NFT picture and support the population of both wild and honeybees. The money raised will be used to purchase small plots of land in different areas, each of which will be beehives for honeybees and specially made houses for wild bees.

Also on each plot will be sown special honey plants, so that throughout the summer the bees had food. Also, to maintain the vital activity of bees will be purchased and other various supplies. Naturally, there will be constant work with bees, treatment and feeding.

Go to my account: https://opensea.io/bee_guard/

There you will find a link to my profile on the Open Society platform and choose a picture that you like, also you can just make a crypto transfer to any wallet you like.

If you do not understand cryptocurrency then you can just make a subscription to Patreon:


If the interest in this topic continues, then in the future it is planned to create a large bee farm with irrigated fields and sowing honey flowers and trees. Everything made will be only for the bees, without the use of chemicals.







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Семейная пасека "Добрый мёд"

г.Алматы, ул.Чойбалсана, д.4


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